In promoting Making Your Own Luck, I have attempted to also promote local, independently-owned bookstores, and there is none finer than the new Morgenstern Books. I was glad to be joined at the book launch event by the IU Alumni Association with its Life Members. Below are a few photos from the fun evening. Take care.
What a great time seeing many Bloomington folks at Nick's English Hut! A big thank you to Morgenstern Books for being the book-selling partner for this event. Below are a few photos from the fun evening. Take care.
--Fred I had a great time at my first launch event at the Rey Key, hosted by my friends at Indiana Humanities. It was an honor to see everyone and give attendees a taste of the book through a short reading. Below are a few photos from the event. Photos courtesy of Indiana Humanities.
Local author Joe Jansen, whose advice was indispensable to me during the editing process for the book, posted kind comments about the book and the launch event at the Red Key.
Read Joe's insights in his own words below. Thanks, Joe! About Making Your Own Luck: About the Red Key launch event: Take care. --Fred |